As we know,homework can help children review and practice what they’re learned,as well as explore subjects more fully than time permits in the classroom.It also can help children develop good habits and attitudes. It can teach children to work independently, encourage self-discipline and responsibility(assignments provide some youngsters with their first chance to manage time and meet deadlines),and encourage a love of learning. Homework is meant to be a positive experience and to encourage children to learn. So ,please don’t regard children’s homework as your responsibility.keep away from it,it doesn’t mean that you never help your child with homework.
Please take notes : your child does his homework,but only after you nay,yell,and threaten him with punishment.This is very common trap that parents fall into: The more responsibility they take for insuring that their child’s homework gets dome,the more irresponsible their child becomes.as a remedy,consider allowing your child to experience the consequences of his own actions(or lack of action)on the homework front.Turn the responsibility back over to him. Parents are often surprised to see their irresponsible children begin to take charge of their homework once the adults let go.
However,if your child doesn’t do his homework when you let go.Please don’t worry,you should do it gradually.For example, you nag five times at the beginning ,and later nag three times,one times,and at the end ,you don’t.
Please take more attentions on this,it is not only save your time and energy, but also get your child develop good habits and attitudes,work independently, encourage self-discipline and responsibility.
If you want to know more about children education ,my blog could provided some help.
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