National Hazardous Waste Management Strategy
The Strategy also addresses the issue of import of recyclable, recoverable or reusable hazardous waste not only to meet the growing needs of certain materials like non-ferrous metals but
also to reduce negative environmental footprints. Import of hazardous waste from any country to India for disposal shall not be permitted.
The Draft Strategy, will act as a guiding document to facilitate minimization, recycling, treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes in an environmentally sound manner.
For more information visit:
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
Published by Emerald Insight. ISSN: 1467-6370
The International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education is a fully-refereed academic journal. Published in conjunction with the Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable
Future (ULSF), the journal aims at addressing environmental management systems (EMS), sustainable development and Agenda 21 issues at higher education institutions, worldwide. It intends to act as an outlet for papers dealing with curriculum greening and methodological approaches to sustainability. In addition, the journal will report on initiatives aimed at environmental
improvements in universities, and the increased competitiveness of self-regulatory mechanisms such as environmental auditing and maintaining EMS. IJSHE disseminates case studies, projects
and programmes whilst still considering the market opportunities available.
Sand in My Hands!
An Activity Book on Sandy Beaches and Sand Dunes for Children

Published by ATREE, UNDP, Handesign; Pages 54
The book is primarily meant for students/ children. Information is presented in a workbook format, and covers coasts, map making, formation of beaches, waves and tides, intertidal creatures,
birds, fl ora etc. Children are encouraged to make observations in text and drawing, conduct interviews etc. Educators, especially in coastal states, would fi nd it a useful school resource.
Written simply and attractively illustrated, it was developed as part of the Post-Tsunami Environment Initiative, jointly taken up by Nature Conservation Foundation, Mysore, the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE), Bangalore and the Citizen consumer and civic Action Group (CAG), Chennai. The aim of the book is to generate interest and awareness about the signifi cance of coastal ecosystems.
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