Here are some tips on how to make your child’s first day at school or kindergarten exciting and unforgettable:
• First day at school shouldn’t be the first. It would be better for you and your kid if you make introductory visit to school. It’s a great chance for the child to get familiar with the classroom and teachers.
• Acquaint your child with his or her classmates. It won’t be that scary to enter the classroom for the first time if you know somebody in there. How to arrange it? You can ask phone numbers of other parents from the school staff and make a couple of phone calls before the school begins. Arrange a meeting with their kids. This will contribute greatly to your child’s confidence.
• Give your child an opportunity to communicate. Social skills play important part in your child’s adaptation in the new environment. If your child attended kindergarten or any other pre-school institution, he or she probably won’t have any troubles in getting along with people. But if he or she doesn’t have such experience you should try to arrange it. You can take your kid to summer camps or play groups in order to develop his or her social skills.
• Familiarize your child with school (kindergarten) routine. If you have an opportunity to visit school in advance try to explain all rules in the school. Accent that nobody is allowed to fight, the teacher is main hear, toys are for everybody and no talking during classes. Also you can involve the teacher into your explanation.
• Your child must have self care habits. It will be much easier for you and your child to get used to the school. Children at age of 6-7 years have to dress by themselves.
• Try to set your child’s mind at rest. Explain that there is nothing to worry about. Ask him or her what are the main questions he or she would like to get answers on. You have to assure your child that there in nothing to worry about, especially if your child asks such questions as how often he or she will be able to use the bathroom or which bus to take after school.
• Help your child to pack all things into the schoolbag in the evening before the first school day. It will be useful to write down your child’s name on the back of schoolbag and lunch bag etc. Explain the purpose of each item to your child so he or she will be able to pack the schoolbag by his/her own.
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