Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Yet Another Taxpayer-funded Incentive For Illegal Aliens?
Usually, I think of radio personality Rush Limbaugh as little more than a rabid Bushbot cheerleader for the Administration, but I happened to be listening to his program today (I usually don't) when I heard him say this: (from the transcript)Listen closely. First here is an editorial from yesterday's Washington Times. "Unsatisfied with thwarting a Republican effort to authorize $3 billion for a
Our Times
Carnival Entries Are Due!
Entries for the 130th edition of The Carnival Of Education (hosted this week by Dr. Homeslice) are due. Please email them to: drhomeslice(at)hotmail(dot)com. (Or, easier yet, use this handy submission form.) Submissions should be received no later than 9:00 PM (Eastern) 6:00 PM (Pacific) today. Contributions should include your site's name, the title of the post, and the post's URL if possible.
The Watcher's Council Has Spoken!
Each and every week, Watcher of Weasels sponsors a contest among posts from the Conservative side of the 'Sphere. The winning entries are determined by a jury of 12 writers (and The Watcher) known as "The Watchers Council."The Council has met and cast their ballots for last week's submitted posts. Council Member Entries: Right Wing Nut House garnered the most votes with Little Noted But Long
Watcher's Council
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Let's Carnival!
The 129th midway of The Carnival of Education (hosted this week by Education in Texas) has opened its turnstiles for your EduEnjoyment.And don't forget to round-out your educational experience over at the latest edition of The Carnival of Homeschooling.--------------------------See our latest EduPosts.
The Carnival Of Education
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Virginia's Clown Princes: Governor Tim Kaine & Co.
Encouraged by their governor, Virginia has begun collecting what must surely be some of the most steep fines for speeding in the history of American motoring:Earlier this month, Virginia began imposing huge new fines — some as high as $2,500 — for residents caught driving 20 miles above the speed limit or engaging in other reckless driving.The fines were to raise money for road projects, but they
Our Times,
Carnival Entries Are Due!
Entries for the 129th edition of The Carnival Of Education (hosted this week by Mike over at Education in Texas) are due. Please email them to: mikea3_98[at]yahoo[dot]com . (Or, easier yet, use this handy submission form.) Submissions should be received no later than 11:00 PM (Eastern) 8:00 PM (Pacific) today. Contributions should include your site's name, the title of the post, and the post's
The Watcher's Council Has Spoken!
Each and every week, Watcher of Weasels sponsors a contest among posts from the Conservative side of the 'Sphere. The winning entries are determined by a jury of 12 writers (and The Watcher) known as "The Watchers Council."The Council has met and cast their ballots for last week's submitted posts. Council Member Entries: Bookworm Room garnered the most votes with Harry Potter and Ostrich
Watcher's Council
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The Carnival Of Education: Week 128
Welcome to the midway of the 128th Carnival of Education!Here's the very latest roundup of entries from around the EduSphere. Unless clearly labeled otherwise, all entries this week were submitted by the writers themselves.Folks interested in hosting an edition of the C.O.E. should please let us know via this email address: owlshome [at] earthlink [dot] net.Thanks to everyone who helped spread
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Carnival Entries Are Due!
Entries for the 128th edition of The Carnival Of Education (hosted this week by us here at at The 'Wonks) are due. Please email them to: owlshome [at] earthlink [dot] net . (Or, easier yet, use this handy submission form.) Submissions should be received no later than 9:00 PM (Eastern) 6:00 PM (Pacific) today. Contributions should include your site's name, the title of the post, and the post's URL
The Watcher's Council Has Spoken!
Each and every week, Watcher of Weasels sponsors a contest among posts from the Conservative side of the 'Sphere. The winning entries are determined by a jury of 12 writers (and The Watcher) known as "The Watchers Council."The Council has met and cast their ballots for last week's submitted posts. Council Member Entries: Big Lizards earned first place honors with High Noonan.Non-Council Entries:
Watcher's Council
Monday, July 16, 2007
Today's Non Sequitorial Comment
Why on Earth do the television networks feel that they have to run those Viagra and Cialis (Cialis has the ones with those stupid insipid couples who always end-up in those ubiquitous out-of-doors bathtubs.) commercials when they know that children will be watching?I really don't want to explain the meaning of the term "erectile dysfunction" to my 10-year-old niece... --------------------------
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Those Ole History Textbook Blues
Joanne Jacobs shows us that when it comes to writing history textbooks for our public schools, one should be careful where one steps.It's a sensitivity mine field out there. --------------------------See our latest entries.
Our EduTimes,
Professional Issues
Friday, July 13, 2007
Let's Be Careful Out There...
For all of our friends out there in EduLand who suffer from a severe case of paraskavedekatriaphobia, hope everything works out OK.
Another One That Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
In yet another example of our broken legal system, we have the case of the Florida man who is being forced to financially support another man's child:Francisco Rodriguez owes more than $10,000 in back child support payments in a paternity case involving a 15-year-old girl who, according to DNA results and the girl's mother, is not his daughter.Rodriguez, who is married with two daughters and a
Our EduTimes
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
The Carnival Of Education: Week 127
Welcome to the midway of the 127th Carnival of Education!Here's the very latest roundup of entries from around the EduSphere. Unless clearly labeled otherwise, all entries this week were submitted by the writers themselves.Folks interested in hosting an edition of the C.O.E. should please let us know via this email address: owlshome [at] earthlink [dot] net.Thanks to everyone who helped spread
The Carnival Of Education
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Army Recruitment And The Influencers
The number of young people willing to serve in our Army in its time of highest need is on the decline, reports the Washington Post: The U.S. Army fell short of its active-duty recruiting goal for June by about 15 percent, defense officials said yesterday. It is the second consecutive month the service's enlistment effort has faltered amid the American public's growing discontent over the war in
Our EduTimes,
Professional Issues
Carnival Entries Are Due!
Entries for the 127th edition of The Carnival Of Education (hosted this week by us here at at The 'Wonks) are due. Please email them to: owlshome [at] earthlink [dot] net . (Or, easier yet, use this handy submission form.) Submissions should be received no later than 9:00 PM (Eastern) 6:00 PM (Pacific) today. Contributions should include your site's name, the title of the post, and the post's URL
The Watcher's Council Has Spoken!
Each and every week, Watcher of Weasels sponsors a contest among posts from the Conservative side of the 'Sphere. The winning entries are determined by a jury of 12 writers (and The Watcher) known as "The Watchers Council."The Council has met and cast their ballots for last week's submitted posts. Council Member Entries: Joshuapundit earned the most votes with Guess Where Your President Was
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Let's Carnival!
The 126th midway of The Carnival of Education (hosted this week by NYC Educator) has opened its turnstiles for your EduEnjoyment.And check into family matters over at The Carnival of Family Life.--------------------------See our latest EduPosts.
The Carnival Of Education
This I Believe
As this is Independence Day, I've been thinking about some of those things in which I believe as an American Conservative: I believe that when our nation goes to war, it should do so after a Congressional Declaration of War and not after some nebulous "resolution" which authorizes the President to employ our armed forces at his discretion.I believe that when our nation is at war, the people
Our Times
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
The Watcher's Council Has Spoken!
Each and every week, Watcher of Weasels sponsors a contest among posts from the Conservative side of the 'Sphere. The winning entries are determined by a jury of 12 writers (and The Watcher) known as "The Watchers Council."The Council has met and cast their ballots for last week's submitted posts. Council Member Entries: Bookworm Room took first place honors with A Stunningly Dishonest Piece of
Watcher's Council
A Passing Thought On Today's MSM
CNN may have removed education-related stories from their "newly revamped" front page, but at least we can now learn such vital information as the financial penalty that must be paid when one man steals another man's wife.Such is the media environment in which we live and blog...
Our Times
C.O.E. Entries Are Due!
Entries for the 126th edition of The Carnival Of Education (hosted this week by NYC Educator) are due. Please email them to: nyceducator [at] gmail [dot] com . (Or, easier yet, use this handy submission form.) Submissions should be received no later than 6:00 PM (Eastern) 3:00 PM (Pacific) today. Contributions should include your site's name, the title of the post, and the post's URL if possible.
Monday, July 2, 2007
The Watcher's Council Has Spoken!
Each and every week, Watcher of Weasels sponsors a contest among posts from the Conservative side of the 'Sphere. The winning entries are determined by a jury of 12 writers (and The Watcher) known as "The Watchers Council."The Council has met and cast their ballots for posts submitted during the week of June 17th. Council Member Entries: Joshuapundit took first place with Gaza Becomes Hamastan,
Watcher's Council
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