Dear Homeschool Parent:
My name is Lee Binz. I'm just a regular homeschool mom who four years ago struck gold in the form of those two full-tuition scholarships.
Ever since then, parents have been asking me, "How did you create such beautiful transcripts for your boys?" Well, the truth is: it wasn't easy.
When I started homeschooling high school, I was filled with insecurity and self-doubt. I mean, who was to say what colleges wanted in homeschool records? The truth was, I didn’t know. Worse, I KNEW I DIDN’T KNOW and that truth terrified me.
My husband and I wanted desperately to graduate our boys from homeschool. We had tasted the bitterness of public schools when our kids were younger and we were positively committed to not returning. And we didn’t have the money for college, let alone for private Christian high school.
Besides, homeschooling our boys had been the most WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE of our lives and we would have done ANYTHING to finish the job right. Still, every time I thought about preparing and maintaining a high school transcript, I’d break out in a cold-sweat.
I’m sort of different in the way I deal with stress, though…. I research like crazy until I master the information! When I was studying how to create my sons' transcripts, I noticed none of the homeschool experts seemed to agree about ANYTHING!
I would read six different books and end up with seven different opinions on how to do a transcript! Each book would have an entirely different approach to grades, credits, record keeping, co-op classes, format and just about every other aspect of creating a transcript. It was SO FRUSTRATING!
So, I decided to look into the popular options of accreditation programs and alternative education. These groups, however, seemed to totally dismiss and discount my method of homeschooling and made me feel inadequate as a teacher and a mother.
My name is Lee Binz. I'm just a regular homeschool mom who four years ago struck gold in the form of those two full-tuition scholarships.
Ever since then, parents have been asking me, "How did you create such beautiful transcripts for your boys?" Well, the truth is: it wasn't easy.
When I started homeschooling high school, I was filled with insecurity and self-doubt. I mean, who was to say what colleges wanted in homeschool records? The truth was, I didn’t know. Worse, I KNEW I DIDN’T KNOW and that truth terrified me.
My husband and I wanted desperately to graduate our boys from homeschool. We had tasted the bitterness of public schools when our kids were younger and we were positively committed to not returning. And we didn’t have the money for college, let alone for private Christian high school.
Besides, homeschooling our boys had been the most WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE of our lives and we would have done ANYTHING to finish the job right. Still, every time I thought about preparing and maintaining a high school transcript, I’d break out in a cold-sweat.
I’m sort of different in the way I deal with stress, though…. I research like crazy until I master the information! When I was studying how to create my sons' transcripts, I noticed none of the homeschool experts seemed to agree about ANYTHING!
I would read six different books and end up with seven different opinions on how to do a transcript! Each book would have an entirely different approach to grades, credits, record keeping, co-op classes, format and just about every other aspect of creating a transcript. It was SO FRUSTRATING!
So, I decided to look into the popular options of accreditation programs and alternative education. These groups, however, seemed to totally dismiss and discount my method of homeschooling and made me feel inadequate as a teacher and a mother.